Manufacturing kit -   +371 20 35 22 88
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Manufacturing kit

Norge House offers everything you need for home construction—insulation, facade cladding, windows and exterior doors.  Construction is assembled in such a way that placing it on the foundation you can have an almost ready house to shelter from wind and rain. You will only be left with the choice of roof covering, engineering networks will also need to be set and the interior decoration will need to be done to complete your dream house.
Manufacturing kit - the set includes

Insulated exterior wall - thickness 250 mm

Depending on the clients chosen exterior wall design we offer two manufacturing options:

Exterior wall (Option 1):

Wooden lath 45 x 45 mm
OSB (Oriented strand board) 10 mm
Vapor barrier
Heat insulation 200 mm rock wool
Wooden frame with timber strength class C24 45 x 195 mm
Norgips GU
Diffusion membrane
Ventilation laths 25 x 50 mm
Decorative wooden boards 21 mm


Exterior wall (Option 2):

Wooden lath 45 x 45 mm
OSB (Oriented strand board) 10 mm
Vapor barrier
Heat insulation 200 mm rock wool
Frame with timber strength class C24 45 x 195 mm
Norgips GU
Diffusion membrane
Ventilation laths 25 x 50 mm
Wood fiber plate 50 mm

(Additional materials are added depending on the chosen exterior design)


Inner walls

Inner (bearing) walls:
OSB (Oriented strand board) 10 mm
Wooden frame with timber strength class C24 45 x 95 mm
OSB (Oriented strand board) 10 mm

Partition walls:

Wooden frame with timber strength class C24 45 x 70 mm


Ceiling panels:

There can be few ceiling cover options included in the manufacturing package depending on the house project.

Intermediate floor:
OSB (Oriented strand board) 22 mm
Amortization tape 50 mm
Wooden frame with timber strength class C24 45 x 220 mm (can change based upon the calculations necessary for the construction)
Insulated ceiling cover:
Heat insulation 100 mm rockwool
Heat insulation 200 mm rockwool
Timber frame 45 x 220 mm
Vapor barrier
Wooden lath 45 x 45 mm

Roof construction

Depending on the clients chosen house project there are three possible options:

Uninsulated roof construction:
Wooden laths 45 x 45 mm (can change depending on the roof cover)
Wooden laths 25 x 50 mm
Diffusion membrane
Roof rafters 45 x 195 mm (can change depending on the roofs technical development)

Insulated roof construction:
Wooden laths 25 x 100 or 45 x 45 mm
Wooden laths 25 x 50 mm
Diffusion membrane
Roof rafters 45 x 195 mm
Heat insulation 200 mm rockwool
Vapor barrier
Wooden laths 45 x 95 mm
Heat insulation 100 mm rockwool

Flat roof cover:
Upper bitumen melting cover
Lower bitumen melting cover
ISOPLAAT (hardboard) 25 mm
Heat insulation100 mm rockwool
Timber frame 45 x 100 mm
Heat insulation 200 mm rockwool
Timber frame 45 x 220 mm
Vapor barrier
Wooden laths 45 x 45 mm

PVC windows and doors

Windows and doors have a double selective package with a five-chamber PVC frame

Architecture services

The finished project selection
The finished project adaption to customers needs
Frame structural project

Additional work that needs to be done in order to fully finish the house construction

(The manufacturing package doesn't include)

► Foundation establishment
► Roof cover and drainage system assembly

Interior finishing works:

► Reinforced gypsum montage
► Walls, ceiling filling and painting
► Floor covering and tiling
► Staircase installation
► Installation of interior doors
► Interior decoration

Internal engineering communication:

► Electricity installation works
► Water pipeline and drainage construction
► Plumbing installation
► Installation of heating systems, warm floors or radiators

House to a key.
Norge House offers modular houses that are fully finished and can be delivered to your chosen location. You can start living in these houses right after the house modules have been delivered and assembled.



Factory warranty

10 year warranty for manufactoring kit

Money Back

Safe money transfer

Our partner is a well known bank


Fast service

Our customer support will reply to your message in 24 hours


Global export

We export to Europe and outside of it